Oyakodon is a popular Japanese one-bowl meal that consists of chicken and egg simmered together in a savory broth and served over a bowl of steamed rice. The name “oyakodon”...
From now on, you can forget the taste of instant noodles. This recipe not only easy to follow, but also will bring the warm of seafood-based soul soothing rice noodles...
Indonesian Vegetable Salad (Gado-gado) is just one of the thousands of plant-based meals that you can cook in your kitchen. This recipe is the perfect resource for anyone looking to...
Some other countries serve the meatball in a different way and use different meat. The most well known in Indonesia is beef meatball. Not only the meat, they comes with...
The Chinese call rice porridge, Congee. It is well known of eating this dish to boost longevity, soothe the ill and strengthen the digestive system. Unlike plain porridge we often...