Some of us don’t like to eat bitter gourd because the bitter taste of it, even the health benefits they carry with. How about you can still enjoy the health...
Braised Soy Sauce Chicken and Egg is a classic and flavorful Chinese dish that features tender chicken pieces and hard-boiled eggs braised in a savory soy sauce-based mixture. Here’s a...
Turns cheese, bread, eggs and ham on your fridge into extra ordinary breakfast meal! Not only that, bring back the memory or image of cafe in France with this classic...
It’s always almost an easy job to cook eggs. However this recipe will allow you to cook traditional omelette that popular in Malaysia and Singapore as well. There are few...
Typical of Asian country, Indonesia is blessed with rich culture thanks to its many islands which differ from one to another. Balado is one of many delicious Minang cuisine of...
Despite the quail eggs have dangerous potential for people with elevated cholesterol, but generally they are considered very healthy. In fact, compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs have six times...